Thursday, June 09, 2005

I want what I want

Remember that not getting what you want is sometimes awonderful stroke of luck. -
The Dalai Lama

Someone post recently what is a current thought in Manifesting that to want something means that one is affirming a lack. I used to subscribe to that concept but I have changed my mind. (Remember, a mind that is never changed gets very dirty -- SiStar Glenna)

As we expand our possibilities it is good to look at words and labels of our native languages. One thing that really helps is to study another language because it stretches the way that we perceive words from different vantage points. Another that really helps is to have friends from different cultures, social strata, and sexes. It is good for men who want to grow to listen to women and women who want to grow to listen to men. Every person we meet if we listen gives us an opportunity to explore the meanings -- both hidden and epistemologic - our understanding begins when we observe our reaction to words and explore how and why. Every lyric to a song can become a point of understanding and realizing a moment of epiphany. To see the light, sometimes you have to open up your mind where it is darkest and let those thoughts be exposed to the sun of a new way of looking.

Want does mean to lack something - but to lack something does not necessarily mean we cannot have it. Because to want is also to desire. Desire drives passion and thus based upon how you define your word is your reality manifest. I love the passion of the song with the words: I want you. I need you. (Meatloaf 2 out 3 ain't bad) it is driven with passion. To want something so much that it lights up one's spirit and motivates one to take action is wonderful.

To not want is to be dead. We want food. We want love. We want to be the best that we can. We will never be totally filled because as human beings we need drive. We gotta want or we will just sit down beside the path and wait till the end. Which is all right if you don't want to change the world one person at a time starting with you.

Today take the time to look at the words you use - what memories, ideas, thoughts, and behaviors are connected with these words.

I want to love you - will you let me
I want you to love me - will I let you
I will to have what I want
and that is to love me and to love you

Morning MuseMyriam Maytorena in the morning with my friendsplease feel free to share with your friends.
to receive the daily morning muse just send me an email at and ask to be added. Some humor. Some insight. Some silliness. Some very bad music at times.


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Anonymous Anonymous said...

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